Saturday, October 01, 2005

Žur (aka Zabava)

I went to the funnest party last night.

Everybody was in Jane Fonda era workout gear. It was a Spandex-plosion.

I'm not a disco loving person; I fucking hate it. But this shit was so infectious. It was like everyone did whip-its and then got up and did stage routines. It was like if Abby Bender put on a dance concert and no one fucking listened to her. It was like a 1980's murder mystery patry where the cops caught the criminal in the first ten minutes and then everyone had to shake their asses to prove there was still order in the world. It was like being on ecstasy, except no one was touching each other or drinking water. It was so fucking fun. My friend Neli and I were running around stealing people's headbands and then asking those same people we stole them from what they thought of our headbands. The party was supposed to be private, but I came up to the doorman talking really fast in English and saying shit like "We have a plus two, but our third person isn't showing." Some British girl gave me a pack of cigarettes; she took two for herself.

Geez, it was insane surreal. I got home at 5AM. I had so much energy from this joint I walked the 3.5 kilometers back to my place, and then put on "Electronic Renaissance" by Belle and Sebastian, and bopped around my kitchen and bedroom. Fuck. Where were you guys?

I woke up at 10, and walked into Center. I have a job tutoring some 30-yr-olds in English this Wednesday.

Last night, I saw a play called "" It sucked. I felt like I was in high school, only not my high school. Some lame Family Matters-type high school.


Blogger pupil said...

At a party The Parasite met a law professor from southern Italy who teaches in the UK. He joyfully observed: “Ah, an American who smokes!” “Don’t get me started,” I said. The double entendre was wasted on him: I started again, to smoke and to philosophize about smoking. By the end of the night the following from Svevo seemed apt: “While I sit here analysing myself a sudden doubt assails me: did I really love cigarettes so much because I was able to throw all the responsibility for my own incompetence on them? Who knows whether, if I had given up smoking, I should really have become the strong perfect man I imagined? Perhaps it was this very doubt that bound me to my vice, because life is so much pleasanter if one is able to believe in one’s latent greatness. I only put this forward as a possible explanation of my youthful weakness, but without any very great conviction.” The other day The Maggot and I made a deal: I would pee sitting down if she would keep the kitchen table clear of books, put her dirty silverware in the daily soaking glass, and never be watching a movie on the computer when I come home from work (unless sick or hungover).

Sat Oct 01, 08:43:00 PM UTC  

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