Thursday, December 22, 2005

Top 5

This week has been ridiculous. Work. Play. That stuff that oddly lies in the middle. Next Friday, December 30, I'll be DJing at Jalla Jalla, a shack in the middle of Metelkova Mesto. They serve great soups there. And good Balkan schnapps.

This is the third Christmas that I've not gone home to Dallas; the first two don't really count since I stayed at home in NYC. I'm still trying to figure out holiday plans. Travel seems in order. Perhaps Bosnia for Christmas and Serbia for New Year's Eve...

I recently heard about an insane Slovenian tradition associated with Saint Mikloš Day (December 5). All the villagers would assemble in the cathedral, and the priest would go from family to family and ask if the children had been good. If they had, they got a present. If they had not, a man dressed as Satan would appear with a basket. The bad children were thrown inside. They were dropped off somewhere outside of town. When they finally returned to town on foot, they were generally beaten up by some high school kids. Har!

I'll assume everyone's been good.

Top 5 presents you want Santa (or Dedek Mraz, as he's known here) to bring you...